How much does Andy Jassy earn as salary?

Andy Jassy, the CEO of Amazon Web Services (AWS), is one of the highest-paid executives in the tech industry. He has been with Amazon since 1997, serving in various roles before taking over as CEO of AWS in 2016. With his leadership, AWS has become a major player in the cloud computing market, generating billions in revenue each year.

As the head of AWS, Andy Jassy earns a salary that reflects his importance to the company. In 2020, he was reported to have a salary of $175,000, which may seem low compared to other CEOs. However, Jassy’s total compensation package is much higher, with stock awards and other bonuses making up the bulk of his earnings. In fact, in 2019, Jassy was estimated to have earned over $348 million in total compensation.

Jassy’s impressive salary is a reflection of the success he has brought to AWS under his leadership. With his guidance, AWS has continued to innovate and expand its services, leading to significant growth in revenue and market share. Jassy’s compensation also highlights the value that Amazon places on its top executives, recognizing the importance of their contributions to the company’s overall success.

Overall, Andy Jassy’s salary is a testament to his skill and leadership in the tech industry, showcasing the significant rewards that can come from effectively managing a major tech company like AWS. His earnings serve as a benchmark for other executives in the industry, reflecting the competitive nature of the tech sector and the high stakes involved in leading a major tech company like Amazon.

What is Andy Jassy’s salary?

Andy Jassy’s salary refers to the amount of money he earns from his role as the CEO of Amazon Web Services. This figure is typically disclosed in annual reports or financial statements released by the company. To learn more about Andy Jassy’s salary and compensation package, continue reading below.

Andy Jassy, the CEO of Amazon, is one of the highest-paid executives in the tech industry. In 2020, Jassy received a total compensation package of $348.6 million. This included a base salary of $175,000, stock awards worth $161.9 million, and other forms of compensation.

Jassy’s salary has continued to increase over the years as Amazon’s business has expanded. In 2019, he earned $19.7 million in total compensation, which was a significant increase from the $32.7 million he earned in 2018.

It is important to note that Jassy’s compensation is tied to the performance of Amazon’s stock. As the company’s stock price has surged in recent years, so too has Jassy’s wealth. In 2021, he became a billionaire thanks to his significant holdings in Amazon stock.

Overall, Andy Jassy’s salary as the CEO of Amazon is substantial, reflecting his role in leading one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Statistic: In 2021, Andy Jassy earned a total compensation package of $348.6 million.

What is Andy Jassy’s current annual salary?

Andy Jassy currently earns an annual salary of $175,000 as the CEO of Amazon Web Services.

Does Andy Jassy receive any additional bonuses or incentives?

Yes, Andy Jassy is eligible for performance-based bonuses and stock awards based on his performance and the company’s success.

How does Andy Jassy’s salary compare to other CEOs in the tech industry?

Andy Jassy’s salary is in line with other top executives in the tech industry, although the total compensation package may vary due to bonuses and stock awards.

Is Andy Jassy’s salary publicly disclosed?

Yes, as a CEO of a publicly traded company, Andy Jassy’s salary is disclosed in regulatory filings and annual reports.

How often does Andy Jassy’s salary get reviewed or adjusted?

Andy Jassy’s salary and compensation package are typically reviewed annually by the board of directors and may be adjusted based on performance and market trends.

Does Andy Jassy’s salary include any other perks or benefits?

Aside from his base salary, Andy Jassy may receive other perks such as healthcare benefits, retirement plans, and other executive benefits.

Has Andy Jassy’s salary changed since becoming CEO of Amazon Web Services?

Andy Jassy’s salary may have changed since he became the CEO of Amazon Web Services, as executive compensation can fluctuate based on several factors.

Can Andy Jassy’s salary be found on public databases or websites?

Andy Jassy’s salary information can typically be found in public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website or through financial news outlets.

Are there any controversies surrounding Andy Jassy’s salary?

There are no major controversies surrounding Andy Jassy’s salary at this time, as executive compensation is a common topic of discussion in the business world.

Does Andy Jassy’s salary reflect his responsibilities and contributions to Amazon Web Services?

Andy Jassy’s salary is determined based on various factors, including his responsibilities, performance, and the overall success of Amazon Web Services.


In conclusion, Andy Jassy earns a substantial salary as the CEO of Amazon Web Services. His base salary of $175,000 is just a small fraction of his total compensation package, which also includes stock options and bonuses. With performance-based incentives, his total pay can reach up to millions of dollars. Jassy’s compensation reflects his key role in driving the success of AWS, which has become a key revenue driver for Amazon and a dominant player in the cloud computing industry.

Overall, Jassy’s salary is well-deserved considering his leadership skills and the strong financial performance of AWS under his watch. As one of the highest-paid CEOs in the tech industry, Jassy’s compensation is in line with the market standards for top executives in comparable roles. While some may question the disparity between his salary and the average Amazon worker, it is important to acknowledge the value Jassy brings to the company and the significant impact he has had on its growth and success.

By Micheal

Michael is the dedicated news reader and blogger for CEO News Hub. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for journalism, Michael has carved out a niche in the world of CEO news. His expertise lies in bringing the latest insights, interviews, and stories about top executives from around the globe.