
Did you know that a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, responsible for making major corporate decisions, managing overall operations, and resources, and acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations? In some organizations, there may be roles equivalent to the CEO, depending on the size and structure of the company.

In recent years, the concept of a Chief Operating Officer (COO) has gained popularity as a position equal to that of a CEO. The COO is typically responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company and works closely with the CEO to implement strategic plans and policies. This partnership allows for a more balanced distribution of responsibilities and decision-making within the organization.

According to a study conducted by Harvard Business Review, companies with both a CEO and a COO tend to perform better financially than those with only a CEO. This underscores the importance of having a strong leadership team at the top of an organization, with each member bringing unique skills and expertise to the table. By sharing the leadership responsibilities, companies can benefit from a more collaborative and effective approach to management.

In addition to the CEO and COO, other roles that may be considered equal to the CEO include the President, the Executive Director, or the Managing Director. These positions may vary in their specific responsibilities and authority, but they all play a critical role in driving the success of the organization. Ultimately, the key is to have a well-defined leadership structure that allows for clear communication, strategic decision-making, and effective execution of business initiatives.

Who Is Equal to CEO in a Company?

In a corporate hierarchy, the position that is equal to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is typically the Chief Operating Officer (COO) or the President of the company. These individuals hold significant decision-making authority and are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organization. To fully understand the roles and responsibilities of these top executives, let’s delve deeper into the differences between a CEO, COO, and President in a company.

Who is Equal to CEO?

When it comes to corporate hierarchy, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is often seen as the top position within a company. However, there are other roles that are considered equal to or on par with the CEO in terms of authority and responsibility.

1. Chief Operating Officer (COO)

The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a company. This includes managing employees, implementing policies, and ensuring that goals are met. The COO often works closely with the CEO to develop and execute strategic plans for the organization.

2. President

The President of a company is another role that is considered equal to the CEO. While the President’s specific duties can vary depending on the organization, they are typically responsible for overseeing the company’s overall direction and growth.

3. Managing Director

In some companies, the Managing Director holds a position that is equal to the CEO. The Managing Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company and works closely with the CEO to ensure the organization’s success.

4. Chairperson of the Board

The Chairperson of the Board is another role that is often seen as equal to the CEO. While the Chairperson does not typically have the same level of day-to-day involvement in the company’s operations, they play a crucial role in setting the overall strategic direction of the organization.


According to a recent survey, 35% of companies have a President or COO who is considered equal to the CEO in terms of authority and responsibility.

Who is considered equal to the CEO in a company?

In a company, the COO (Chief Operating Officer) is often considered equal in rank to the CEO.

What are the responsibilities of a COO?

A COO is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the company, implementing strategies set by the CEO, and ensuring that the company meets its goals and objectives.

Can the COO replace the CEO?

Depending on the company’s structure and policies, the COO may be in line to succeed the CEO in the event of succession planning or emergency situations.

Are there any differences between the roles of a CEO and a COO?

While both roles may involve strategic decision-making and leadership, the CEO typically focuses on setting the overall vision and direction of the company, while the COO focuses on executing those plans and managing day-to-day operations.

Is it common for the CEO and COO to have equal authority?

It is not uncommon for the CEO and COO to have equal authority, particularly in companies where the roles are clearly defined and work together closely to drive the company’s success.

What qualifications are required to become a COO?

Qualifications for a COO position typically include a strong background in business management, operations, and leadership, as well as relevant industry experience.

How does the relationship between the CEO and COO impact company performance?

A strong and collaborative relationship between the CEO and COO can lead to improved decision-making, increased efficiency, and overall company growth and success.

What is the career path to becoming a COO?

The career path to becoming a COO often involves starting in lower-level management positions and gradually gaining experience and expertise in various aspects of business operations and strategy.

Are there any risks associated with having a COO equal to the CEO?

While having a COO equal to the CEO can bring benefits such as shared responsibility and collaboration, there may be challenges in decision-making and potential conflicts if roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined.

Can a COO be promoted to CEO within the same company?

Yes, it is possible for a COO to be promoted to the role of CEO within the same company, especially if they have demonstrated strong leadership skills, strategic vision, and a track record of success in their role as COO.


In conclusion, the discussion on who is equal to a CEO has shed light on the various roles and responsibilities that are comparable to that of a chief executive officer. While the CEO holds the ultimate decision-making power and is responsible for the overall success of the company, key executives such as the CFO, COO, and CMO also play vital roles in driving the organization forward. Each of these executives brings unique expertise and skills to the table, working collaboratively to ensure the company’s strategic goals are met and operations run smoothly.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that individuals at all levels of an organization can demonstrate leadership qualities and contribute to the success of the company. While not everyone may have the title of CEO, the potential for leadership exists within every employee. By fostering a culture of empowerment and providing opportunities for professional growth and development, companies can cultivate a strong leadership pipeline that benefits both the organization and its employees in the long run. Ultimately, the success of a company is a collective effort that requires strong leadership at all levels, not just at the very top.

By Micheal

Michael is the dedicated news reader and blogger for CEO News Hub. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for journalism, Michael has carved out a niche in the world of CEO news. His expertise lies in bringing the latest insights, interviews, and stories about top executives from around the globe.